Another clueless, airhead model

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Donald J. Trump National Wildlife Refuge

The Donald John Trump National Wildlife Refuge manages for wildlife and habitat and to ensure future generations will always have wild places to exploit! Get up close and personal with some of the refuge's new wild residents and the habitat they depend upon.

Is anything more precious than the thrill of a child when he sees wildlife on a refuge?

At the Trump NWR we believe in efficient management of our wildlife resource.  Over the years the Attwater’s Prairie Chicken has cost American Taxpayer's millions of dollars to keep alive and what do we have to show for it?  A few hundred measly birds that are going extinct anyway. We are now managing for an American treasure instead – The chicken!  And we have millions to choose from! 

The loser Attwater Prairie Chicken.
Refuge staff managing chickens for release on the refuge.

Enjoy, Exploit, Learn and Don’t Worry!
The 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act is so 19th century.  The Trump administration says you don’t
have to worry anymore if you kill endangered species if you did it while conducting an honest to
goodness business in the process. So go ahead, feel free to shoot, trap or kill our wildlife. Just say you
did it for your business ;).

                   Oopsie! We didn’t mean to kill all these birds during our wildlife tour                      guide "business" on the refuge.  Thank you President Trump!

The Refuge Junior Naturalist program provides indoctrination for children 10-12 years of age to work with refuge staff on projects designed to introduce them to a career in natural resource extraction. Participants learn basic naturalist skill sets, which are then applied to actual projects, including harvesting dead sea turtles, planting Round Up resistant soybean, wild bird egg collecting and keeping a virginity pledge journal. 

Our staff teach Refuge Junior Naturalists important life skills like cleaning out intestinal parasites from wild cattle.

 We Give Up!
The Chinese tallow tree is an exotic tree found on the refuge's wetland and prairie ecosystems. We’ve given up on eradicating it so that visitors from those pansy-ass northern liberal states can view the tree’s fall foliage.  Trying to eliminate this and other exotic species has cost the taxpayers millions of dollars who could have spent it on bigger TVs and trucks.

Chinese Tallow Tree.
More Oil Than Land!

Incoming tides of this coastal refuge combine life-giving nourishment from the Gulf with fresh river waters to create one of the most petroleum rich environments in Texas. Because of its importance to our economy, the Donald J. Trump NWR is designated an Internationally Significant Extraction Site by the Western Hemisphere Strategic Petroleum Reserve Network.
Grab a Bite to Eat.
All that wildlife watching will make your hungry. Stop by our official sponsor McDonald’s on your way out. All proceeds go to the new Trump Foundation.

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The mission of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.  That’s right bitch, the benefit of THE ‘MERICAN PEOPLE!!!  We are both a leader and trusted partner in dominion over fish and wildlife resources.  Just like it says in the Holy Bible (Genesis 1:26-28).
